Category: Crystal/Rainbow/Indigo Children

  • Rainbow Children

    Those of you that are awake parenting are guardians of the future.  A new wave of children has been sent to assist during these times.  The lightworkers are paving the way for the roles they will play.  Their missions are contingent upon you completing yours.  They are one in the same.  The indigo warriors were…

  • The Third Wave

    You are here to learn service.  This is not a way to lose yourself, it’s the path to finding yourself.  We will use our assignments to release anyone still serving these systems.  The one thing all these systems have in common is they stay operational through fear.  It is through your fear that they keep…

  • Rainbows

    Rainbows are mirrors that reflect others back on themselves. While they may reflect there is an absorption that occurs. When a pigment absorbs a photon of light, it becomes excited. This means it has extra energy making it no longer normal. On a subatomic level it goes through excitation. This is when an electron is…

  • Signs Of Entity Attachment

    Negative Entities Attaching To Your Teenager I would like to discuss teenagers, self-harm, and signs of entity attachment. Suicide, self-harm, uncontrollable rage or grief are hard subjects to discuss, let alone heal. It is still taboo to suggest that mental health issues could be causing self-harm, depression, rage and suicide. These causes can be caused…

  • 3 Waves

    I would like to talk about the three waves of volunteers. The first wave is generally of the “baby boomer” generation. These people do not want to be here, they long for home, yet don’t know where that is. Many of the first wave have attempted at suicide. This first wave is now starting to…