Tag: paranormal

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We are going through a lot of expansion fast.  The next two weeks will be so powerful.  If you have felt like your waiting on something, these are the energies to be making things happen in.  The Summer Solstice is the 21st.  Expect things to open up so much energetically in the next two weeks. …

  • Spirit Messages Coming Through…

    Spirit Messages Coming Through…

    We are in a powerful space as we are preparing for this weekend’s 4.4 Portal.  The 4.4 Portal is in the middle of the Equinox and Beltane, which is May 1st.  We are in a powerful stream of Galactic Energies and the Veil is really thin right now.  That means the Spiritual Dimensions are much…

  • Join Our Meditation From A Crop Circle…

    We just visited the Yin Yang crop circle that appeared May 30th in Wiltshire, England.  While crop circles may be found in many places, Wiltshire really is ground zero for them.  This is an area that’s like 20 minutes from Stonehenge.  Avebury also has its own rock circle that is even older then Stonehenge.  These…