Tag: blue star

  • Shifting To The New



    There is a chain reaction occurring throughout consciousness.  We were lied to about the natures of reality and our potential in every way.  People are awakening and remembering.  In us raising our frequencies and mastering our realities it’s anchoring the Planet into new frequencies.  Those making the biggest shifts in consciousness are those that have…

  • Connecting To The Blue Star Energy Activation..

    As your making this spiritual ascension you may be connecting to other star systems.  The stars are the holders of ancestral knowledge.  Connecting to star energy is an ancient practice.  The Maya, Native Americans and Egyptians obtained much of their knowledge from the stars.  With this awakening many are finding out they lived past lives…

  • Self-Care After Your Energy Attunments

    Every Reiki teacher should be stressing self care! After each attunment you should be healing yourself for the 21 days it takes your body to adjust to the new energies. During the 21 days, a lot of cleansing takes place in your body. You need to drink lots of water and get good sleep. If…

  • Check Out Our Blue Star Healing Classes…

    Blue Star Healing system originated in Egypt, this advanced healing system comes from the Pleiades star system. It was developed by John Williams in 1995 and then further enhanced and expanded on by Gary Jirauch. This system emphasizes galactic and spiritual healing, and is “a transmission of spiritual ability to bridge the gap between God…

  • Check Out Our Healing Classes and Healing Sessions!

    We teach and practice Reiki and Blue Star Healing. We do all of our healing work and attunments remotely. Distance Reiki is sent either to an individual, group, event, or situation in the past, present, or future. Reiki energy works to produce the highest results for the highest good for all involved, and will never…