Tag: 8/8 lions gate portal

  • On The Energies…

    This is a week that will bring some major shifts with it.  We are in some powerful energy.  A lot of people are feeling the storm we are in.  We are moving through an area of space, in our Milky Way, that is sending waves of energy out across our entire solar system.  This energy…

  • Don’t Miss Our 8/8 Meditation…

    Join us Saturday 8/8 for the peak of the Lions Gate Portal.  It’s also the peak of the Perseus Meteor Shower.  We will be connecting to and tuning into the rising of our Spiritual Sun, the star Sirius, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the Ley Lines, here in England.  Let us take you…

  • On The Energies…

    We have a lot of galactic energies coming into the planet right now.  We have energies streaming in right now from Sirius, Orion, Mintaka and the Central Sun. These are high frequency light codes and they contain a lot of information.  A lot of you have been getting a lot of beautiful downloads and information. …