Tag: 7:17 portal

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    7:17 is a powerful Twin Flame Portal.  There are many Twin Flames apart or in separation right now.  It’s important that if you are one of them, that your holding the faith right now.  There will be many waves of reunion happening alongside this Ascension.  If your working towards it, it’s important to remember you…

  • I’m Doing Activations Tomorrow…

    I’m Doing Activations Tomorrow…

    Tomorrow is the 7:17 Portal.  This is a powerful Gateway and Energy for Twin Flames.  I’ll be doing activations all day tomorrow.  Channeled Angelic Codes to help you with your healing.  These energies are all about your love life and the healing work needed to be done to come into Union.  An amazing activation for…