Third Eye Awakening Healing Package

£ 255.00

This is a channeled healing for bringing your third eye gifts online.  Awaken your third eye. A complete upgrade and activation for it.  Everyone is born psychic with an ability to tap into innate spiritual gifts.  Awaken your psychic abilities.  Be able to see, hear, feel, sense, taste, and have intuition beyond the boundaries of […]


This is a channeled healing for bringing your third eye gifts online.  Awaken your third eye. A complete upgrade and activation for it.  Everyone is born psychic with an ability to tap into innate spiritual gifts.  Awaken your psychic abilities.  Be able to see, hear, feel, sense, taste, and have intuition beyond the boundaries of the physical world.  Process more data.  Tap into more extrasensory abilities.  Tap into more of your own unique gifts.  activate more of your dormant skills.  More easily access the full spectrum of your psychic gifts.  Tap into more Clairvoyance.  This is a form of visual intuition.  Tap into your psychic sight.  Tap into the knowledge of your soul, and the collective knowledge of all souls of the Universe.  Receive more intuitive information through colors, images, visions, dreams, and symbols.  Bring online your inner seeing.  Bring online seeing auras, chakras, and having visions of future events.  Better connect with your inner self.  Increase your Clairvoyance, and awaken your third eye.


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