Twin Flame Heart Chakra Activation

£ 66.00

Channeled healing energies for your love life.  Great for everyone no matter what the situation.  Activates your heart chakra.  Great for opening and activating your heart chakra.  Great for healing old wounds, hurts, and blocks within this chakra.  Helps you to let go of the old, and old experiences.  Great for healing from heart ache, […]



Channeled healing energies for your love life.  Great for everyone no matter what the situation.  Activates your heart chakra.  Great for opening and activating your heart chakra.  Great for healing old wounds, hurts, and blocks within this chakra.  Helps you to let go of the old, and old experiences.  Great for healing from heart ache, past relationships, disappointment, and grief.  Will heal your heart chakra.  Opening you up to more empathy, love, and compassion.  Brings healing to your heart and relationships.  Heals and activates your Twin Flame connection.  Opens you up to more love.  Strengthens your connection to Source.  Opens up your energy flow to receive more Source Energies.  Open up, and activates your heart chakra.  Soothe old hurts, and old pain you may be carrying.  Connect on a deeper level.  Go deeper in your relationships, and within your Twin Flame connection.  Helps you to release past grief from loss and heartbreak.  Helps you to release past energies, and resentments.  Opens you up and activates you for more love.  Dissolves deeper blocks, opening up your heart center.


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