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On The Energies…
It’s a new month, and new energies. February brings shifts in love, energy, and intuition. It’s all about embracing transformation, deepening your connections, and stepping into your power. Venus, Neptune, the North Node, and the Moon all come together to form a super conjunction in Pisces today. When the Planet of love aligns with dreamy Pisces, sparks fly. Venus in Pisces reminds you that the fairy tale is real. Venus is all about how you love, and how you want to be loved. It rules over romance, money, and how much you value yourself. Self love, self-worth, and self-care, will also have a big impact on how abundance and love shows up in your life. Remember to take care of yourself first. These energies are all about your love life. Not only will your relationships sustain you this month, but they’ll also fuel your success. The North Node tells you the direction you must take, it’s your future, and your destiny. It is the direction you must go to grow and fulfill your purpose on this Planet. Change is in the air. The astrology of 2025 is monumental, since so many heavenly bodies will change their course of action and alter your destiny. Expect the North Node in Pisces to change your fate. These energies as all about aligning with your life’s purpose and journey. The South Node is always where you start out. It holds your karma, past lives, old patterns, and toxic habits. This is your karma that you are meant to heal. It’s the baggage that we must resolve and let go of. Once you overcome the South Node’s tendencies, you can tap into the North Node. The North Node helps you to align with your fate, destiny, and purpose. However, you cannot get there without acknowledging the gifts and lessons of the South Node. Fate and destiny align with Pisces themes. The veil is thin. This will help you to be in better touch with your intuition, magic, and the spirit realm. You should feel more comfortable trusting the process. You will be seeing extra signs and symbols right now. This may look like reoccurring Angel Numbers or just specific signs that you know are just for you. Allow them to guide you on your path. There is so much magic in the air.
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