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On The Energies…
May brings a lot of intense energies. May is divided into two half’s. The first half may bring a completely different vibe than the second half. Pluto just went Retrograde in Aquarius. It will stay retrograde for the next 5 months, until Oct 10th. This will give you a powerful life review. It’s time to reflect on what you need to change or heal in your life. It may stir up lots on a subconscious level. Expect it to also stir up a lot of old emotions. Mercury is also still Retrograde. If the past is coming up it’s to clear it, whether traveling there through memories or people or situations from the past are coming up. Mercury Retrograde ends May 14th. Its Post Retrograde Shadow Period, or Retroshade ends June 1st. This may mean you don’t feel like doing anything, or want to be alone with your thoughts. We are in Taurus Season. This is a sign that likes a lot of time to think about things. Expect lots of downloads right now! We are shifting towards the 5:5 Portal. Today’s wave officially has kicked off those energies. We have our Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on the 5:5. What a Full Moon that will be! Scorpio is a fixed sign ruled by Pluto and Mars. It’s the ruler of the 8th house in astrology which overseas deep emotional connections, death, whether physical death or things you have lost, rebirth, spiritual transformation, and all things hidden within the shadow, or on the darker side. These energies are all about detoxing, transmuting, and clearing the things weighing you down. These energies can help you to take back your power. Scorpio can also help us to better access how we are exchanging energy, or what we are putting our energy into. Scorpio is represented by the Scorpion, as in they may sting, and the Phoenix, rising up from the ashes, or the fire. These are both that signs Spirit Animals. This week the energies are extra powerful. This is making you much more magnetic with your thoughts, and romantically. Huge focus on relationships right now. Whether releasing the old, or working on the new. Telepathy is heightened this week also. All of this years Eclipses being an extra element of fate and destiny. They are ultimately helping to unlock that next level of your love life. This means your timelines are speeding up, and shifting you closer to where you’re ultimately meant to be. May brings us 13 Galactic Activation Portal Days. That’s because this month we come into the Pleiadian Alignment! May 6th is the peak of the Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Eta Aquarids is one of the only two meteor showers created by debris from Halley’s Comet. Expect lots of magic and shooting stars as we move through this weeks energies.
art: @glittsparkles
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