I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

Today we have a triple conjunction between our Sun, Mercury and Saturn.  This is a powerful Cazimi.  Both of these Planets will be at the heart of the Sun.  These energies are being amplified by the energies of the 3:3 Portal.  It will be bringing new beginning vibes to your love life.  This energy is all about tapping into your heart and desires.  I’ll be doing healings and activations today.  Here are the links to sign up…

2:28 Sun Conjunct Mercury & Saturn Manifesting Healing Package…


2:28 Sun Conjunct Mercury & Saturn Activation Twin Flame Healing For Obstacles…


2:28 Sun Conjunct Mercury & Saturn Activation Twin Flame Clearing…


2:28 Sun Conjunct Mercury & Saturn Violet Flame Activation…


2:28 Sun Conjunct Mercury & Saturn Activation Twin Flame Activation…


art: @_sparkle_spectrum_


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