I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

Today our Libra Sun is opposite the North Node In Aries.  Today’s alignment helps us to wrap up, or close out the month.  This South Node in Libra/ North Node in Aries axis is all about relationships and soul growth.  Libra, with its focus on love, balance, and fairness, invites us to reflect on the world we want to create.  This is a great placement for the Nodes Of Destiny.  It’s a great time to be tapping into the energies.  I’ll be doing healings and activations today.  Here are the links to sign up…

9:29 Sun In Libra Opposite The North Node In Aries Activation…


9:29 Sun In Libra Opposite The North Node In Aries Twin Flame Activation…


9:29 Sun In Libra Opposite The North Node In Aries Twin Flame Healing…


9:29 Sun In Libra Opposite The North Node In Aries Twin Flame Clearing…



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