I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

Today Mercury in Virgo is opposite Neptune Retrograde In Pisces.  This alignment brings an energy of clearing and ending.  It’s a great time to be doing some energy work to clear out old patterns and fears that prevent you from living your best life.  Pisces Retrograde can dredge up old emotions.  It’s a great tike to be clearing any emotional or energetic blocks.  It’s a great energy to be tapping into.  I’ll be doing healings and activations today.  Here are the links to sign up…

9:25 Mercury In Virgo Opposite Neptune Retrograde In Pisces Activation…


9:25 Mercury In Virgo Opposite Neptune Retrograde In Pisces Twin Flame Clearing…


9:25 Mercury In Virgo Opposite Neptune Retrograde In Pisces Twin Flame Activation…


9:25 Mercury In Virgo Opposite Neptune Retrograde In Pisces Twin Flame Healing…
