I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

We have a conjunction between Mars and Chiron occurring until the 31st.  That makes the next few days all about healing and what is coming up to heal for you specifically.  This alignment is happening in Aries.  It’s bringing up wounds that we need to heal connected to our masculine energies.  It’s all about us trusting our deeper desires and where they are trying to lead us.  This means the unhealed baggage and old wounds are surfacing.  It’s a great time to be tapping into the energies.  You may need to be clearing a little extra right now.  I’ll be doing healings and activation work.  Here are the links to sign up…

5:27 Mars Conjunct Chiron Twin Flame Clearing…


5:27 Mars Conjunct Chiron Starseed Karmic Relationship Healing…


5:27 Mars Conjunct Chiron Twin Flame Activation…


5:27 Mars Conjunct Chiron Twin Flame Healing…


5:27 Mars Conjunct Chiron Higher Self Blueprint Activation…



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