Tag: Reiki attunment

  • Side Effects From Each Level Reiki Attunment

     Reiki Attunement Side Effects – Level 1: -Opening of the third eye. -An increase in intuitive awareness. -Other psychic abilities. -A release of Negative Emotion -Changes in food preferences. Reiki Attunement side effects – level 2: -Highs & Lows of energy levels. -Emotional Swings in Mood. -Heightened connection to those around you. -Heightened compassion. -Aversion…

  • Self-Care After Your Energy Attunments

    Every Reiki teacher should be stressing self care! After each attunment you should be healing yourself for the 21 days it takes your body to adjust to the new energies. During the 21 days, a lot of cleansing takes place in your body. You need to drink lots of water and get good sleep. If…