Connect To The Pleiades Energy Activation

£ 111.00

As your making this spiritual ascension you may be connecting to other star systems.  The stars are the holders of ancestral knowledge.  Connecting to star energy is an ancient practice.  The Maya, Native Americans and Egyptians obtained much of their knowledge from the stars.  With this awakening many are finding out they lived past lives […]


As your making this spiritual ascension you may be connecting to other star systems.  The stars are the holders of ancestral knowledge.  Connecting to star energy is an ancient practice.  The Maya, Native Americans and Egyptians obtained much of their knowledge from the stars.  With this awakening many are finding out they lived past lives in other star systems.  We are embodying new frequencies that are allowing us to manifest with this star energy.  I’m doing a connect to Blue Star Energy Activation.  I will be doing this activation for the next Full Moon.  Some benefits to connecting to these star energies:

-Light Infusions


-Energetic Purification

-Activations of dormant DNA, energy centres, growth patterns, higher light bodies, higher chakras.

Preparing the cells in the physical body to become more crystalline and carry more light.

-Provide a closer alignment with soul and monad. Increased soul awareness. 

-Activated by Evolved Extraterrestrial masters and energies.

-Cosmic clearance to transmute energies across all time and lives.


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