Abandonment Wound Healing

£ 255.00

Healing for your abandonment wound/ abandonment trauma.  Healing for feeling undesired, left behind, insecure, or discarded.  Tractor healing being left in relationships, discarded, or broken up with.  Emotional abandonment can manifest through loss or separation from a loved one.  Heals feeling rejected, which is a significant component of emotional abandonment.  Abandonment and rejection leaves an […]



Healing for your abandonment wound/ abandonment trauma.  Healing for feeling undesired, left behind, insecure, or discarded.  Tractor healing being left in relationships, discarded, or broken up with.  Emotional abandonment can manifest through loss or separation from a loved one.  Heals feeling rejected, which is a significant component of emotional abandonment.  Abandonment and rejection leaves an emotional imprint in the brain.  Heal the imprints.  Heals separation anxiety.  Heals fear of abandonment.  Heals depression, anxiety, and avoidance behaviors.  Heals fear of intimacy and commitment.  Great for healing childhood emotional neglect and childhood trauma.  Great for healing relationship trauma and other issues.  Heals feeling unworthy of love.  Heals abandonment grief.


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