8:22 – 9:22 Virgo Season Soul Contract Upgrade Activation

£ 66.00

A channeled healing activation.  Upgrade and activate your energy.  The amazing thing about soul contracts is you can heal and upgrade them.  This activation will heal and help guide you toward new life lessons and experiences that will create new value for your life, rather than continuing to try repeat the same lessons you have […]


A channeled healing activation.  Upgrade and activate your energy.  The amazing thing about soul contracts is you can heal and upgrade them.  This activation will heal and help guide you toward new life lessons and experiences that will create new value for your life, rather than continuing to try repeat the same lessons you have already learned.  Let go of anything tied to the old 3D experiences.   Activate your higher Divine purpose and Divine mission.  Activate more 5D experiences.  Bring more of it online.  Release anything not aligned with this path.  Put your attention on your mission and paths aligned with your highest good, and the highest good of others.  You’re here to inspire change and to lift Earth’s vibration.  Heal your wounds so you can help others in these same areas.  Activate more of your path to service.  Activate more of your manifesting gifts.  Activate your higher souls contracts.  This helps to activate and open up higher timelines and higher pathways.  Live your calling and passion.  Open up to your greater purpose and mission for being here.  Manifest that into the physical.  Raise your frequency, and shift your vibration higher.  Manifest more connections and opportunities that are in line with your purpose.   Manifest more of the life that you came here to live.


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