Heart Chakra Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing and activation for your heart chakra.  This healing will help to clear any blockages in your heart chakra, allowing for more flow between them all, including your heart chakra.  Balance out your energy.  Clear feeling stuck emotionally.  Clear negative emotional energies and past energies left behind from heart chakra traumas.  […]



This is a channeled healing and activation for your heart chakra.  This healing will help to clear any blockages in your heart chakra, allowing for more flow between them all, including your heart chakra.  Balance out your energy.  Clear feeling stuck emotionally.  Clear negative emotional energies and past energies left behind from heart chakra traumas.  Great for healing loss, betrayal, and past break up energies.  Clear and heal any heart chakra blockages or pains.  Heal your feelings about yourself and how you relate to others.  Open up to deeper emotional intimacy.  Clear any barriers or walls.  Open up to more joy and peace.  Open up to more energy flow in your heart chakra.  Connect to yourself and to your loved ones on a deeper level.  Clear and release negative energies.  Heal and activate your heart chakra and heart chakra connection.  Open up to more self love, love, and love from the Universe.  Activate your connection to Source.  Vibrate with more Source energy.   


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