Healing Package For Karmic Wounds

£ 211.00

People may project their fears and insecurities onto you.  Heal and release other people’s karmic imprints, karmic projections, and energies that you have picked up or taken into your energy system.  This is a healing for the deeper karmic wounds that you carry.  We all have karma to deal with.  We also have deep wounds […]



People may project their fears and insecurities onto you.  Heal and release other people’s karmic imprints, karmic projections, and energies that you have picked up or taken into your energy system.  This is a healing for the deeper karmic wounds that you carry.  We all have karma to deal with.  We also have deep wounds that have been left behind from the karma that we have already delt with.  Heal the karma and release it.  Karma manifests as fatigue, blocked energy, and overly dramatic relationships.  Karmic wounds can be manifested in negative relationships, illness  and also mental issues.  Pinpointed and heals karmic issues.  Heal these type of karmic issues.  Heal and release karmic blocks.  Dissolve negative karma and negative karmic patterns.  We all have some karmic wounds that we accumulated from past lives.  Heals these other lifetime wounds.  Heals the karma inherited from our parents/ancestors.  Healing for karmic trauma and the wounds left behind.


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