Working On The Dragon Ley Lines…



Earlier today we went to visit Woodhenge.  It was my first time at this site.  This is a garden that is kept by the fairies.  This site is like sacred geometry.  These rocks act as transmitters on the power spots of the Earth.  These are powerful tools for working with consciousness.  We have a lot of incoming Ascension energies hitting the Planet right now, so there is a powerful energy traveling through the Earth’s Ley Line system.  We spent the night at Stonehenge last night.  I am working with the grid, here at Stonehenge today.   These areas contain energy portals that are doorways to other dimensions.  Portals are spiralling vortex’s of energy.  These energies create a gateway for beings to travel from other worlds.  These areas can assist us greatly as we are making these shifts in consciousness.  The adept are able to travel as a lightbody through these doorways and Stargates.  They can be used to jump timelines or just to activate and awaken.  The rocks and stones used on these sights hold the codes to our divine blueprint.  I’ll be doing Stonehenge activations today, here are the links to the ones I have set to 50% off today…