Tips For Conscious Parenting…

We are living in the middle of a huge shift in consciousness.  Certain souls volunteered to come to this Planet to assist with this transformation.  Some of those souls may be the children around you.  We have a lot of indigo and rainbow souls here to help.  It’s been a misconsumption that the parent is the older soul.  It’s usually the child that is the teacher.  Some of the children here are very intuitive and very energy sensitive.  Just as we are feeling these energy shifts, they are to.  Here are some tips for anyone who is conscious parenting that I have found help.

-Crystals.  Give them crystals to play with.  Teach them how to make grids.  Teach them about different crystals and teach them how to heal with them.  Give them some to walk around with.

-Keep them hydrated.  We are finding out we need a ton of water doing this ascension.  Make sure they always have lots to drink, preferably some type of bottled or filtered water.  The more water we drink the higher frequencies we can vibrate on.  Dehydration affects our frequencies and moods.

-Limit watching television.  Television is a programming tool.  The things we watch and see become our reality.  Children who watch more television can become more fearful.

-Electronics, cut down on them.  Avoid video games, don’t allow them to be on a device all the time, and avoid microwaving your food.  These children are very frequency sensitive.

-With foods pay attention to what they like and don’t like.  I tell people if your child doesn’t like a certain food don’t make them eat it.  They are tuned into their bodies and everyone is different.  Do not feed them GMO foods.  Try to avoid giving them meat or milk.  These children are very sensitive to the energies of their food.  I recommend a vegetarian diet with lots of fruits.

-If your child takes baths put some salt in it.  Anykind if salt will help clean their aura.  You can add essential oils which are amazing for healing.  I recommend adding a few drops of palo santo oil which is amazing for purifying.  Give them a salt bath daily if you can.

-Try to get them on a good bedtime routine.  This will help them get more sleep.  Sleep is so important for these children.  They are often very busy in the astral.  Not getting enough sleep will affect their moods.  Put some quartz or selenite near or around their bed.  This will keep them safe and protected, and will keep nightmares away.  I like the selenite the best because you don’t have to charge it.

-Show then things that will trigger their memory.  Many of these souls had incarnations in places like Egypt, Atlantis, and Lemuria.  Involve them in the spiritual, that’s what they came here for.  A lot of parents put these children in the material or matrix world not cultivating the spiritual.

-Have Fun! A lot of these children are some type of generator energy type.  If you keep them excited they will help you lift up your frequency.  So stay excited around them!

-Sage your house.  These children are very sensitive to different energies.  I recommend keeping your windows open more if you can and to clear the energy in your house often.  Things like palo santo, or incense are awesome for that! I recommend saging daily!

-Get then outside.  These children need lots of nature.  This will help them connect to Gaia and will keep them grounded! Nature is the best aura detox!

-Teach then how to meditate and other spiritual practices.  Children love learning new things, take them to a yoga class.  Teach them about prayer and gratitude.  Also let them teach you.

-These children are very empathic and most likely are taking on lots of other people’s energies and feelings.  Explain to them that they may absorb other people’s feelings being around them so they can better understand how energy affects them.  Teach them how to heal.  Get them into energy healing.

-Be consciously aware of how you speak to them.  These children are your teachers and are sensitive to your vibrations and words.  They learn by watching you.  So be mindful of your self.  Be a good role model.

-Slow down with them.  They need a lot of time to recharge.  Give them lots of time to play and make sure they are getting some alone time to recharge.  Make sure your also making time to recharge yourself and your child’s energy.  Make sure your house is peaceful.

-Avoid doctors.  Try to limit it avoid any vaccines.  Vaccines are full of metals.  A lot of these children are being labelled as autistic or adhd.  Do not medicate them.  Medications will cut them off from their higher selves.

-Love.  Give them lots of love!  They came here to heal a broken collective.  More cuddles.  Love is the ultimate experience and the more love you give them the more you heal karmically.

-They came with many spiritual abilities.  These children are very psychic and empathic.  Be open to any abilities they have.  Find creative things for them to do.  They need lots of new experiences.

-Let then be themselves.  Part of this experience is finding our individuality.  A lot of this journey is us finding ourselves, so if you let them express themselves you can speed that process up.  Let them be into what they like.