This Weeks Energies…



This week we will be wrapping up Scorpio season and Mercury Retrograde.  This week will be especially uplifting as we still have a lot of influence from Venus.  This is meant to be a good thing for our relationships.  There is a powerful merger happening right now behind the scenes.  Ancient energies are returning to move us into a higher state of consciousness.  Many are feeling the pressure as Scorpio has a theme of death and rebirth.  We have a lot of emotions that have been coming to the surface.  Next week we will shift into Sagittarius.  We are experiencing a Phoenix moment.  This energy is burning away more to light the way.  We are beginning to feel the energy and frequencies of 2020.  This will begin a new cycle energetically.  As the vibration of the Planet is rising its accelerating our spiritual growth.  As we awaken more and more we are being reminded that we have always been tuned in to the unseen.  You have always been loved, protected, and guided.  This is about stepping into that guidance, and fully into your power.  This is a powerful time for creating something new in your life.