The End Of An Era..

The awakening is occurring all around us.  Even the sleeping can see there is something occurring here.  The 3D constructs of fear and imposed will are over.  Humanity is remembering their Divine potential.  This will be a time when humanity takes back its power.  The sleepers are becoming more angry and fearful as they try to cling to that illusion.  The ultimate control drama is about to play out.  A battle between these systems and the people.  Both will lose.  The world as we know it is expanding and evolving, opening up the higher realms.  This is our first attempt at transitioning an entire Planet into higher densities.  Let go of how you think things should be.  These dramas are needed to wake the masses.  This ascension requires people to get authentic.  These are the events set to make it happen.  My question is.  What happens when the police and world armies awaken? Your seeing in many protest areas police are joining the people or taking off their combat gear refusing to participate.  What happens in their game of chess when the pieces refuse to play? It’s time to understand we all played our role in creating this.  We are seeing their illusion crumble.  Fear has never brought power.  Spiritual purity is the only power.  The light in which we stand is rewriting the future of humanity.  We were asked here to create something better.  These control drama were never serving us.  It’s time we learn to govern ourselves through better actions.