Super New Moon In Libra…

Tonight’s New Moon In Libra is powerful.  It’s actually the second Super Moon of three to occur in a row.  This Super New Moon is really close to the Earth.  That means the energy is so much stronger.  We are really feeling the gravitational pull.  Let’s just say things are extra magnetic right now.  That’s a good thing if your trying to use the energy to manifest.  This month is full of magical energy.  Let’s just say it’s a super charged lunar month.  October has two Full Moons.  It’s a good time to recharge and harness the energy.  Things may be feeling emotional for some people.  This Super New Moon is meant to be stirring up things to heal.  You should be really feeling your own energy and aura with this energy.  This is the last week of Libra Season and the time to find that balance once again.  Remember you can’t pour from an empty cup.  Make sure your taking really good care of yourself during this time.  We have Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, and Chiron in retrograde.  This can cause the energy to flow differently.  It’s a powerful time to go within to do some deeper reflection.  Over the next few weeks you may be revisiting your past.  You should be seeing things from a higher perspective during this time.  Remember how much you have grown, and will continue to grow.  We have a lot we are going to continue to heal karmically.  This month we will be continuing to purge and release the things no longer serving us.  We have some intense energies on the way as we inch closer to Samhain/Halloween.  We are in the world of spirit.  This is a time where we are through the veil.  You should be feeling more and more psychically and spiritually aware.  Next week we shift into Scorpio Season.  Many are already feeling the energies as we are being encouraged to go deeper.  This is the time to pay attention to any dreams or guidance coming through.  Tonight’s Super New Moon will align with the star system Arcturus.  This will open a Galactic Portal.  Tomorrow the Sun will also come fully into alignment with Arcturus.  We can expect a ton of upgrades as these energies do fully activate through the weekend.  This is an amazing time to see Cassiopeia in the sky.  It’s also a great time to check out the Orionid Meteor Shower.

We are doing a Super New Moon Meditation today.  I hope to see you there!  Here is the link to sign up…