Shifting Into Mercury Retrograde

We are in Mercury retrograde.  This has powerful effects on this Planets energy.  This Retrograde is going to be about soul contracts, something Mercury governs.  This is a bad time to make any contracts.  Your focus should be on clearing any soul contracts you have had this life.  In many ways these contracts are entangling souls, keeping them bound.  This purification period we are In is about letting go of the things holding you here.  This is a phase in which we will clear any karma, individually and collectively.  See every act as an energetic contract.  Each and every moment is always contracted for.  It’s not a good time to start new projects.  Your better off taking time to finish any old ones or to reflect.  Astrology is all about energy, energetic knowledge is power.  When a Planet goes retrograde it’s entering the underworld.  This moves us deeper within our subconscious.  Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, this opens us up more to the other realms.  This is a spiritual time meant to clear anything outdated vibrationally.  This journey has been an exploration of the depths of your psyche.  Mercury focuses on collecting past messages.  Things from your past experiences and past lives that you may have missed are coming to the surface now.  This is a chaotic time for humanity right now, the solution is to slow down now.