Shift To Virgo…

We have shifted into Virgo.  We can expect to see huge changes as we move forward with this ascension.  This energy will lead us into the Autumn Equinox.  Many people are noticing the changes occurring throughout consciousness.  An awakening is occurring.  The forces of light have been anchoring this Planet into new grids.  The Galactic wars and programs of separateness are being purged out for good.  This is a time to shift back to healing yourself.  After all these lessons you have been shown that your here for your own lessons.  Just as the rainforests in the Amazon are on fire so is our heart chakra.  There is nothing occurring without that is not also occurring within.  We will continue to have a lot of energy incoming the rest of August.  With that energy comes information and higher knowledge.  This is a time for us to connect with our intuition and heart Center.  Stay focused on the things you love.  This will help to shift your awareness back to a state of gratitude.  Use the remainder of this Chiron retrograde to release any old wounds.  It’s time to heal on on deeper levels.

I am doing my heart chakra activation 50% off.  I highly recommend it! Here is the link to sign up!