Sexual Energy..



Sex is often thought of a form of procreation.  It’s a powerful energy exchange on all levels.  When you have sex with someone you permanently merge your energy together with them.  You also can create soul ties.  If you ever had a bad relationship this life, it shows you your past coming back to be cleared.  We created connections we need to sever this life.  If you merge your energy together with someone on a lower frequency, then it put you on that lower frequency.  If you have sex with someone with a negative polarity, you become more negative.  You take on your partners energy, as well as any karmic debts.  You absorb their programming on every level.  You become one in the same.  Spiritual energy cords are also created through sex.  If you had a toxic relationship you need to cut the cords, something a lot of people forget to do.  One of the most powerful energies available to us, is sexual energy.  While some people may only see the physical connection, when we have sex we are connecting on every level.  Sexual connections can leave a lot of spiritual debris behind.  The deeper the connection the more intertwined you become with that person on a soul level.  Whatever is in that persons energy field is brought into your own energy field.  A lot of casual sex happens under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  These substances lower the natural protection of your energy field.  This makes you much more vulnerable.  You may have ditched the toxic partner but their unresolved emotional energy carries on.  The same goes for astral sex, or dream encounters.  Sex can either be blocking you from your path, or uplifting you into enlightenment.  Your partners can either be making or breaking your energetic field.