Sex As An Energy Transfer



sex as an energy transferThere is a lot of manipulation or supernatural energies and forces occurring around us.  Any type of psychic attack is when dark or negative energetic vibrations are sent to a person.  This creates disturbances in the energetic body.  The energies manifest into negative entities.  Auras become weakened from many things.  Negative emotions and drugs weaken the aura as well as parasites and metals.  A lot of the time spiritual attacks are sent unintentionally.  A lot of people have the ability to send them, but are not aware.  The most common form of this is simply negative thoughts.  Negative energies can also attach themselves to objects, all objects hold energy.  Sex is an exchange of energies, as well as entities.  When you have sex with someone you permanently mix your energies together.  If you have sex with someone that has negative energies or energies they will be transferred into your body and your aura.  A lot of the time people have sex, transferring entities, which then stalk the hosts energetically through the astral realms.  If you make a contract with a partner that has entities, you just made a soul contract with the entities.