Sex As An Energy Exchange



We are learning exactly how valuable our energy is, with our awakening.  Many of our lessons have centred around self love, and that’s the theme with this Space Storm, more self care.  There are people that have been sent into your life just to knock you off of your spiritual path.  The empath narcissist relationship is a good example of this type of relationship.  It’s always the people closest to you.  The best way to control and access your energy is through sex.  Sex is being used as a food source on this planet, by the lower spiritual.  Sex is a form of meditation, it’s a portal to the spiritual worlds.  Your vibration will determine which energies your letting through.  There are many relationships still that are toxic going on.  Soul mergers that are helping enslave the ones sent to assist during this time.  Sex is powerful.  It’s the permanent blending together of energies to create a new one.  It’s the blending together of souls and DNA through powerful vibrations.  You become your partners literally.  You take on all their blocks and energetic patterns.  You also open yourself to anything negative they hold, such as spiritual parasites.  Make sure your only having sex out of deep love.  It takes two people, each with an open heart chakra, to be used to clear your energy.  Love can be used as a way to access higher consciousness.  It however, takes an even exchange of that energy flow.  An equal exchange of giving and receiving.