Releasing With Chiron

We have seen the selfish in becoming selfless.  We are learning if we do not furfill our own needs that we can become blocked energetically.  We must step past the appearance of harmony into true harmony.  We will find this in ourselves.  True balance is energetic balance and mastery.  Chiron represents merging our human identity with our spiritual identities.  The energy of Chiron can be used as a Shamanic link to ourselves.  We are in the process of healing core issues relating to our self confidence right now.  Deep uncertainty and fear is surfacing throughout humanity.  These wounds are very deep, collective traumas becoming more and more apparent.  Many people have become disconnected from their purpose during these times, adding to the confusion.  These energies can be very energising, and they are putting people into action.  Pace yourself and have patience.  This journey will take a lot of self discipline.  Inner timing is everything right now.  Much of humanity is living through their lower aspects.  This energy will help awaken humanity to their higher selves.