9:9 Portal Twin Flame Healing

£ 211.00

A good healing for you and your Twin Flame connection.  Part of the triggering effect of the Twin Flame relationship is the fact that shadow or inner child issues are often present in each of you and will often intensify as a result of getting in contact.  Heal the deeper inner child/ shadow issues and […]


A good healing for you and your Twin Flame connection.  Part of the triggering effect of the Twin Flame relationship is the fact that shadow or inner child issues are often present in each of you and will often intensify as a result of getting in contact.  Heal the deeper inner child/ shadow issues and aspects.  Heal from negative experiences in early childhood, insecure attachment styles, and traumatic relationships.  Heal childhood wounds.  Heal

and break out of lifetimes of karmic cycles.  Heal unhealthy patterns and behaviors in order to break out of karmic loops and programs.  Twin Flame brings up all of the insecurities, traumas and unresolved wounds of the past straight to the surface which makes this kind of a relationship highly volatile because you’re not just dealing with two people and their typical emotional baggage.  You’re dealing with your projections of abandonment.  Heal the deeper unresolved wounds and past wounds.  Heal and release the projections of abandonment.


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