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8:28 – 9:22 Venus Enters Libra Twin Flame Activation
This is a channeled healing activation. Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection. Great for everyone, no matter what your situation. Heals your love life. This activates the 5D connection and more higher communication. Connect more on the 5D levels. Better integrate the high vibrational 5D energies from your soul into the 3D […]
This is a channeled healing activation. Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection. Great for everyone, no matter what your situation. Heals your love life. This activates the 5D connection and more higher communication. Connect more on the 5D levels. Better integrate the high vibrational 5D energies from your soul into the 3D world. Bring this connection down from the spiritual and anchor it into the physical, as physical Union, or into your physical Union. Twin Flames are always together, as you merge with both of the Higher Selves of the Twin Flame aspect you get more communication both in the higher and in the physical. Open up to more clear dreams about your Twin Flame. Feel more of their emotions and pick up on and understand more of what they are feeling and going through. Pick up on more telepathy and hearing direct messages from your Twin Flame telepathically. Feel more of their presence and energies with you. See more signs and Angel numbers. Get more messages from them in this way. Open up and activate the inter dimensional aspects of the connection. Open up to more higher spiritual level communication where you can exchange thoughts, emotions and energy. Open up to more higher dimensional experiences and messages. Awaken the higher spiritual aspect of the connection. Telepathic communication between Twin Flames involves the heart, soul and mind of both individuals. Clear out, open up, and activate these aspects of the connection.
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