2:1 Venus And Neptune In Pisces Activation

£ 66.00

A channeled healing activation.  Activate and upgrade your energy.  Raise your frequency.  Channeled light, a great overall healing and recharge.  Let go of anything blocking your light.  Great to let go of blocks and traumas.  Venus and Neptune will meet in Pisces, a planetary alignment all about creativity, love, and spiritual connection.   Tap into these […]


A channeled healing activation.  Activate and upgrade your energy.  Raise your frequency.  Channeled light, a great overall healing and recharge.  Let go of anything blocking your light.  Great to let go of blocks and traumas.  Venus and Neptune will meet in Pisces, a planetary alignment all about creativity, love, and spiritual connection.   Tap into these energies to activate more spiritual creativity.  Great to connect more deeply to the spiritual/ and to activate your Source connection.  Get more inspired and feel more creative.  This helps you with your third eye and inner vision.  Get more inspired ideas, and deep spiritual insights.  Feel and attract more love.  Heal the not so loving aspects so that you feel better about yourself.  This leads to feeling happier and more emotionally fulfilled.  Tap into being more self aware.  Great for healing any areas of yourself that need it.  Heal shadow aspects to better accept and integrate them.  Activate your intuition.  These energies are great for more awareness, deeper insights, and bringing more of your intuition online.  Venus is the Planet of attraction, relationships, and worth.  Great for healing your relationship with money and self-worth, reminding you that your value is higher than you think.  Great for inner healing to feel better about yourself and more intuitively connected.


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