Preparing For The 12/12 Portal..

I hope your ready to ride this wave into 2020.  We have made many shifts in 2019 to prepare for this new energy.  We are closing up an entire decade, and the karma that came with it.  The next several months will be lift us into much higher frequencies.  This energy is preparing us to go through the 12/12 portal.  This gateway will be very powerful as Chiron shifts direct the same day.  We can expect to see many meteor showers this month as well.  As we prepare for this shift and old wounds are meant to be surfacing.  We have much work to do.  The 12/12 portal will carry us into the Winter Solstice.  This month will consist of many huge shifts.  To master where your being moved to you must have mastery over your thoughts and frequency.  Everything always leads back to our thoughts and vibrations.  This is meant to a bridge to higher states of bliss.  We are making this journey together, a planetary ascension.  2020 will be powerful for anchoring us into the New Earth.  However there is a determining factor as to who will see these new states of reality.  It’s very important your finding a path of service.  We must give to receive.  If your taking something, whether it’s time, energy, or knowledge, make sure your something giving back.  This is truly how we create and flow.  Remember love is the highest of currency’s at this time.

Make sure you sign up for our 12/12 Event!