Preparing For Monday’s Lunar Eclipse…

We have kicked off Sagittarius Season, as well as Eclipse Season.  Monday’s Full Moon in Gemini will also be a Lunar Eclipse.  We have an Eclipse Season every six months.  This Eclipse Season will help lead us into 2021, and it will last until December 29th this year.  This Eclipse Season will bring with it two eclipses.  We have a Lunar Eclipse Monday in Gemini, that will really open this Eclipse Gateway.  We have a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius December 14th.  This will be the final Eclipse of the year.  December will bring with it the 12:12 Gateway, the Winter Solstice, and many other powerful alignments and ascension energies.  This series of eclipses will activate the lunar nodes, which will really activate us.  The south and north nodes rule our past and future.  They have a huge influence on us astrologically.  This first Eclipse will help make your deeper purpose or destiny more clear.  It may even bring up revelations or more insight into your past lives or your souls journey.  Since Eclipses occur on the lunar nodes they bring about massive change and transformation.  Eclipses tend to dig around in our karma as well.  This is to show us where we have more work to do.  Monday’s Full Moon will bring with it a chance to let go of anything no longer serving us.  This is a time of release as we prepare for a new beginning.  2020 has brought with it a lot of purging.  This has been a good thing as we continue to get lighter.  Your body may be needing a moment to integrate all of these energies.  It’s also a really powerful time to manifest as this Gemini is great at helping us with our ideas and communication.

Join us Monday for our Gemini Lunar Eclipse Meditation…