Pluto Shifts Direct…

This is a good time to do some cleaning and cleansing.  We have Pluto that is shifting direct.  This is helping us settle anything karmic.  Pluto rules Scorpio, which represents death and rebirth.  It also governs the psyche and our spiritual powers.  As we are making this shift some people are noticing the resistance of the ego.  Pluto is here to break down those barriers.  There are subconscious programs we need to continue to break through.  This shift is also an amazing time for a new beginning.  We are getting rid of lots of people and experiences no longer serving us.  This leaves space for you to create something new.  Pluto is moving direct in Capricorn.  This will help you shift your focus back to matters of your work and home life.  This is an amazing time to use the rest of Libra season to continue to find balance.  Make sure your energy is in alignment.  Work on doing more things that are good for you.  Add some better foods, ditch any bad habits.  It’s also an amazing time to bring more balance to your personal space.  It’s important you are making your space sacred.  Do some redecorating, or make sure to wrap up any old projects.  Cleanse your space as well.  I recommend using more sage or palo santo this time of year.