On These Lions Gate Energies…

We are well into the energies of the Lions Gate Portal.  The Sun and Sirius will continue to merge until a powerful portal is opened 8/8.  The alignment between our Spiritual Sun Sirius, Orion’s Belt, Earth and even the Great Pyramid of Giza open this vortex.  8/8 is the peak of the storm, however these energies will continue until the 12th.  You should be really feeling the upgrades we are all going through.  We have had a lot of energy pouring in.  This is a high frequency energy that is activating the Lions Gate Portal.  These alignments are not just activating us they are activating the Ley Lines, or the Earths energetic grids.  Many of you are even lightworkers and gridworkers and are very much connected to this grid.  A lot of this energy is very galactic.  We have energies coming in now from Sirius, Orion, Mintaka, our Sun, and the Central Sun.  the ancients, our ancestors, understood how to use and harness this energy.  The stars are aligning and it’s powerful.  This is an especially powerful time to be out on the Ley Lines, or to be connecting with the Earth.  These light codes are rewriting our DNA.  This shift is only a small glimpse of what’s to come. The energies are changing and are becoming more and more galactic.  This means we are going to have to continue to make some shifts as to how we are living.  This energy is going to assist us with our journey into higher states of consciousness.  Our Sun has hit the center of our galaxy.  We are being blasted with highly charged cosmic radiation.  This is filling us with more light and energy.  Many of you are feeling it on your solar plexus.  The Sun is changing, and so is your inner sun.  Much of the energy your taking in is stored in this energy center.  You may be feeling the third eye activations that are coming in with these upgrades as well.  We can expect a lot of activation when it comes to our gifts and abilities this year.  This is a really good time to work on your energy.  I’m recommending more detoxing and clearing as we work on completing the rest of 2020.