On These Energies…



We have been doing a lot of cleansing and releasing lately.  We have a lot of energy coming into the Planet.  These new energies are only a glimpse of what’s to come the rest of the year.  We can see just how powerful the effects of the last Eclipse were.  Those energies are still very much affecting us and pushing us to recalibrate energetically.  That last Eclipse was to prepare us for the 5 more Eclipses we will have this year.  There is a huge transition occurring.  Many of you are shedding old layers of yourself.  Many people are going through intense shifts related to their jobs, relationships, and families.  These shifts have been pushing us to heal and to find a better alignment within ourselves.  January has been a month of some powerful astrological alignments.  These are the start of some powerful shifts that will take place the next year.  We have Venus in Pisces which is making people more sensitive to other people’s moods and feelings.  These energies are affecting everyone in different ways, but they are affecting everyone.  This energy is powerful and here for us to create the new with it.  We should be focusing on the good, or more of what we love.  This will assist us in bringing more positive energy into our lives.