On The Energies…

We have made it through the Solstice Gateway.  We have Shifted Seasons, and will now move back into the light.  Right now there is still a huge influx of crystalline light still pouring in.  These waves of crystalline energies are full of light codes that are activating our DNA.  We are going to continue to be in a steam of very powerful energy all week.  That’s why this is a good time to use the energies.  It’s a great time to set some goals or to get a plan.  The Ascension Upgrades are continuing to come in and people are really starting to notice it.  Everything is now changing from our bodies to the collective.  These Cosmic Energies are bringing a new frequency with them.  Last nights Grand Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn has helped move us into a new cycle.  The light of the Solstice Star has brought a special activation for humanity.  We have now entered into the Age Of Aquarius.  The 5th Dimension.  It’s very important that we are healing and taking good care of our energy.  We have to be of a very high vibration to fully embody these new codes.  We have done a lot of clearing during 2020 and will continue to clear anything not aligned with the new.  That’s why doing some type of healing work, or clearing of your energy is so important during this time.  This Solstice has taken us into a New Age and Capricorn Season.  This energy shift will set the tone for the next several months.  We have stepped into some fresh energies.  This week will be bringing up old wounds.  Today the Moon travels over Chiron in Aries.  A lot may be surfacing from your childhood or even from past lives.  Our systems will continue to purge out the programming of the old.  Thursday the Moon and Mars meet in Aries.  There is extra stress as we move through the rest of this Holiday Season.  It’s important that your being gentle with yourself and others right now.  We have a lot of work to do as we prepare to, continue to shift an entire collective into much higher frequencies.  We are going through a major transformation right now.  This will become more and more apparent as we move through 2021.  Time to really step into these energies.  Those of you that have manifesting gifts, are meant to be helping to create the new.  It’s a great time to get creative with these energies.