On The Energies…

We have shifted into Scorpio Season.  This week will be intense as it’s bringing lots of different energies.  We have Samhain/Halloween, a Blue Moon, lots of Cosmic Rays, and Solar Flares.  Samhain/ Halloween is a Portal and it is already open.  The spiritual veil, between the spiritual worlds and our world, is at its thinnest right now.  This is also the veil between the living and the dead.  That is why it’s an important time to honour our ancestors and loved ones in the other realm.  Samhain/ Halloween is a powerful turning point in the wheel of the year.  This is a time of death and rebirth, that leads to a new beginning.  October 31st we have a Full Moon In Taurus.  This is also a Blue Moon.  A Blue Moon happens when we have two Full Moons in the same month.  It’s really rare to have a Full Moon occur on on Samhain/ Halloween, let alone a Blue Moon.  This Blue Moon will also be aligning with Mars.  We are still in Mars Retrograde too, so we are going to continue to release any negative or lower energies.  We are letting go of a lot within the masculine, as the masculine is going through a lot of upgrades.  We have a ton of Galactic energies continuing to pour in.  These energies are going to continue to intensify as we prepare for this year’s Winter Solstice.  We have lots of Pleiadian and Orion energies coming through.  In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the time of year where the Pleiades are rising.  This means winter is on the way.  November is the best time to see the Pleiades.  Orion will also become more and more visible as we head into November and December.  This Scorpio Season will bring with it a powerful transformation.  Scorpio also rules over the paranormal and other dimensions.  The veil will continue to thin, and we will stay within this thin space until November 3rd.  On November 1st the spiritual activity will actually be at the highest.  This is a powerful day for manifesting.  1/1 and 1/11 are both very powerful Gateways.  Make sure your using these energies to find a deeper alignment.  This is a time of magic and celebration.

We are doing a Ceremony to connect with the Ancestors tonight.  Make sure you sign up to join us…
