On The Energies…

This is a week that will bring some major shifts with it.  We are in some powerful energy.  A lot of people are feeling the storm we are in.  We are moving through an area of space, in our Milky Way, that is sending waves of energy out across our entire solar system.  This energy is very much affecting our entire Planet.  It’s creating an massive shift in our entire solar system.  We are seeing an increase in solar flares and even gamma radiation.  This is very much affecting our physical body as well as our consciousness.  Our DNA is going through an intense process as it’s being upgraded by these light codes.  This is the process we call ascension.  This week we are continuing to move through this Lions Gate Portal energy.  We are doing a lot of work with the heart chakra.  Lots of clearing is happening.  It may even be making any karma you have left to clear really obvious.  It will help you to get out of the mind in this energy.  It’s important that your following your heart.  A lot of you are acquiring a lot of knowledge.  It’s all about what you chose to do with it.  This weekend the Lions Gate Portal will peak on 8/8 flooding us with even more energies.  This portal is aligning us with even more Sirian energies.  Expect a lot of upgrades and downloads as we continue moving through these energies this week.  This is a powerful time for healing.  While the Lions Gate Portal may peak on 8/8 it lasts until the 12th.  It will close with a bang as we have the Perseus Meteor Shower peaking at the same time.  Shooting stars will be visible August 11th, 12th, and 13th.  Let’s just say there is a lot of magic in the air this month.  Don’t miss it! It’s some of the most powerful energies we can be using.  It’s amazing energy to be using to any type of DNA work, heart chakra healing, third eye activation, or manifesting with.  See our Shop to book.