On The Energies…



We have powerful energies entering the Planet.  These incoming frequencies are waves of 5D crystalline energies.  These waves of light are streaming to us from the Central Sun at the Galactic Core.  We are in a very energetic area of our Solar System and these are very Galactic energies.  These are powerful cosmic rays that are affecting all of us.  Things are going to continue to intensify as these energies continue to increase.  Since the Sun and the Earth’s magnetic fields are weak it’s allowing more and more of these energies into our Solar System.  The amount of cosmic rays reaching Earth in 2020 has almost reached a Space Age peak.  Many people are feeling things on a physical level.  As your DNA is responding to these codes of light you may be experiencing shifts within your body.  As your DNA continues to resonate with these higher frequencies your consciousness will also expand.  Since we are integrating a lot of new energies it can cause ascension symptoms.  These energies may be making you feel anxious, irritable, stressed, time warps, like time is going to fast, lack of sleep, issues staying asleep, depressed, exhausted or lethargic, more sensitive to food and chemicals, hot flashes, flu like symptoms, ringing in ears, purging or detoxing, nausea, crazy dreams or even nightmares, vision problems, or even itchy.  Many of you are in fact Starseeds and are beginning to remember that at this time.  These energy shifts and cosmic multidimensional events are occurring more and more frequently.  Many believe we are waiting for a Solar Event or a Solar Flash.  There are many people predicting it will occur at the end of this year.  What is clear is that we are meant to be raising our vibrational frequency and healing so that we can keep up with these new energies.  These energies are amazing once you come into alignment with yourself.  You may even experience how easily you can manifest, an increase in synchronicity, a heightened psychic awareness, an increase in telepathic abilities, feeling of love and bliss, an increase in abundance, and even miracles.