On The Energies…

This weekend will be lit.  Saturday brings us a Taurus New Moon which is also a Black Moon, and a Partial Solar Eclipse.  That means we are getting a double dose of New Moon Energies.  Dark Moons are a powerful time for new beginnings, and bringing a reset to your life.  Your intuition should be super strong right now.  For some this may be bringing up anything blocking your intuition.  This is meant to be a time of increased clarity.  This Eclipse is all about you looking at areas in your life that could benefit from making some changes.  This is a Taurus Eclipse and we are in Taurus Season.  The energies right now are all about the seeds that your planting.  These are some of the most powerful manifesting energies of the year.  This is also a time to rest, recharge, and to reflect on how things are going.  Sunday is Beltane.  Beltane is the midpoint mark between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.  It’s a major Solar Gateway on the Celtic wheel, opposite to Samhain.  It’s a high solar day, and a festive of fire.  During this time the Earth Energies are at there strongest and most active.  It’s also a time to connect with the Fae.  During Beltane it’s a time when the veil between our world and that of Fairy is thin.  When the veil is thin fairies can cross into our world, and us into there’s.  It’s also a time to be tapping into the magic all around us.  Things open up and the veils that separate the other worlds become blurred.  That means we are picking up on more, sensing more, and even seeing more spiritually.