On The Energies…

The Equinox Portal is open.  We are less then 48 hours til the Equinox.  Tonight’s Virgo Full Moon is giving us the energies we need to clean and cleanse for the Equinox.  The seasons are changing and we are also shifting into Aries Season.   Pisces Season may have shown you things you needed to shift or change. It may have highlighted ways you felt powerless or even stuck in your life.  This Aries Season is all about taking back your power in these areas.  It’s bringing us a fresh start and new Cosmic Energies.  The Equinox represents the period of transition from darkness into light, and death into life.  It’s bringing a burst of energies to help us to step into a new cycle.  It’s a great time to use these energies to be getting things done.  This Virgo Full Moon is all about the seeds your planting for the future.  This is a powerful Manifestation Portal.  Things are manifesting and materializing like never before in these energies.  These energies have the potential to open you up to infinite possibilities.  Aries is the sign of the ram and shifts us into needing to get things done.  It’s all about making things happen.  We have a rebirth theme going on for the next few weeks.  This weekends Energies are bringing a Cosmic Reset.  It may feel like things are happening past your control.  It’s all about surrendering and learning to flow with the Universal Energies right now.  Aries Season is great for any Indigo or Starseed souls.  It’s going to give you that burst of Energies that you need.  We also have Chiron in Aries til 2026.  Chiron is an Astroid that represents our core wounds and how we can heal them.  This Aries Season will be digging up any, and all past traumas or wounds.  The time has come for healing.  It’s all about clearing the energies or the past so that we may fully step into our future.  This is a powerful Solar Gateway and we will be feeling the effects over the next few weeks.  During the Equinox the Sun comes into a perfect alignment with the heavens.  The Earth, Moon, and the Sun shift in a major way creating a powerful Portal.  The Earth floods with these energies, and the Light Codes activate the collective grid.  The Earth grid is a flow of energy and information.  These energies are so powerful that they bring online all of the Sacred Sites, Stargates, and Portals within the Earth.  Many of the Sacred Sites around the Earth act as broadcasting centers.  Stargates connect us with other realms and dimensions.  They are dimensional doorways, that act as corridors of light, connecting us with other places.  This Equinox is an amazing time to be tapping into the energies and doing energy work.  It’s a time to be initiated or activated.  The veil between the spiritual and physical world is also super thin right now.  That means we are receiving more messages and downloads right now.  Information is passing back and forth more easily.  This should be making your path ahead more clear.

art: @expoegypt