On The Ascension Energies..

This is a month is full of some intense energy shifts.  The Lions Gate Portal we just passed through is guarded by two royal Sirian lions.  These are the Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow.  They are guardians and teachers that assist those that pass through the portal with their ascension.  Time and your lessons may seem to accelerate.  Things may feel like they are speeding up.  We will celebrate the completion of the Lions Gate the 13th.  This will bring with it new energies.  It is the Heart of the Lion that guides us through the constellation of Virgo into the Equinox in September.   We have huge upgrades occurring with our heart chakras and third eyes currently.  We have a huge emphasis on shifting into more of a heart space.  We have been led by logic for far to long, and our lesson this life is to chose love.  It is through our heart chakra that our soul speaks to us.   We have many things occurring simultaneously, that is why it’s very important your following your intuition.  Jupiter is shifting direct today.  It’s amplifying these energies.  This transit will be amplifying our manifesting and is amazing for creating more abundance.  We will begin to have a lot of Lunar energy merging into these energies.  We have a Full Moon on the 15th in Aquarius.  This energy may be challenging for love because of its opposite placement to Venus.  The incoming waves now are preparing us for 2020, which will bring with it a new energy.

I’m sending out lots of love to my star brothers and sisters as we are making this transition.  If your having a hard time with these energies or just are looking for an energetic upgrade check out my healing sessions and activations..

I will be doing our Lions Gate Activation 50% off through Monday.  Here is the link to sign up…
