New Moon In Sagittarius

We are getting ready for 2017 to end! We have our last New Moon the 18th! This Sagittarius New Moon is kickstarting a wave of energy to help inspire and motivate us. This cosmic influx of energy will shake people, waking them up. Think of the energy of this New Moon like a cosmic beam that is going to shake us, and wake us up to our potential for the journey ahead. We need to heal our past so that we can focus on creating something new. Any attachments just prevent you from moving forward. The Retrograde energy showed you your past, now it’s time to release it. When we hold on to the past we keep reliving the same patterns and the same scenarios. We must become lighter. It’s time to shed anything not serving us. This energy is very passionate and we will end this year with a bang, that welcomes in a new vibration. 2018 is a going to be a year of building. This New Moon energy is awakening and activating us on multiple levels, we need to work on having a solid foundation. This New Moon is also significant because it falls one degree from the Galactic Center. The Galactic Center holds a powerful force that delivers energy upgrades and rapid awakenings. This energy is helping us integrate the person we once were with the person we are today.