Full Supermoon in Cancer

We will have a Super Full Moon on January 31st. This will end with a Blue Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. This Moon will be in Cancer, which is about cleansing and releasing emotions. This energy is about intuition and self care. This Cancer energy is about tuning into your own inner wisdom. This Moon is about closure. Since Cancer is a sign that is super sensitive and intuitive expect emotions to be on the rise. Trust the signs you are being shown. Trust your feeling and listen to them. Last year was all about fire and air based energies. We are now shifting to a new phase. One of strong earth and water energy. This energy will shift us from our heads to our hearts. Our intuition is how we access Universal information. You strengthen your intuition by using it. So this year you will need to start to rely on it. Pay attention to what your feeling right now. This Moon will set the tone for this new year and it will be bringing a lot of emotions with it.