Energy Report…

This week we have a lot of influence from Venus.  We have made some huge energetic shifts lately.  This week will continue to be bringing with it some powerful waves.  Mercury is shifting direct tomorrow, but it’s going to be closing up by bringing some revelations of the past to you.  This Retrograde was meant to clear up any past confusions.  Its a time of insight and letting go of any old attachments.  We will be working with the heart chakra this week.  This weeks energy is powerful for rising above the programs that have been blocking our relationships.  Being in a vibration of love is meant to clear any past lessons or karmic connections.  This journey is meant to uplift you into more love.  As this energy is elevating our frequency we are falling more in alignment with our soul path.  We are being reminded that while we may feel a higher calling, the mission is always love.  We have a lot occurring as we prepare for 2020.  We also have a destructive presence with Pluto and Saturn preparing to collide in January.  We have one cycle closing and another about to begin.  If things feel like they are falling in remember they are actually falling in place.  We have entered a time of rapid manifestation.  New worlds are beginning to emerge.  Expect lots of shooting stars and meteor activity as well this week.  It’s the perfect time to make a wish..