Energy In Motion



Be grateful for what you have or you might lose it.  It’s just the nature of creation to be always changing and expanding.  Infinite ideas waiting to be played out and experienced.  Energy is not meant to stay stagnant, it must stay flowing.  The problem is people tend to try to stay in one place.  We must stay moving forward on our path.  We will have many experiences and lessons.  We are meant to complete them, moving forward on too new ones.  We are the Universe experiencing itself through us.  Energy is in constant motion, waiting to be directed by us.  We are the ultimate channels for this energy.  They say there is no reference point in the Universe, but the reference point is you.  People are still resisting this energy, to do this is to resist your destiny.  We are meant to absorb and flow with this energy, embracing a dance with the Cosmos.  The ultimate goal is to merge back into Oneness with this energy.  This journey is to push you back into the role as a creative counterpart.  We must unlimit our creations, utilising this force.  The Universe wants to experience new situations.  Old experiences are not as exciting.  This is an infinite energy that wants to explore the unseen within consciousness.  Go deeper within.  Dream of new probabilities, ones never attempted. We have yet to grasp the potential of this force within us.  Your breath is what you have been searching for.  That breath is a life force energy within everyone and anything.  Through your breath you are connected to consciousness.  That breath is the same force that created this entire Logos.