DNA as a Bioweapon



I’m not sure if people are aware but your DNA has been hijacked, like everything else in this matrix. It’s now being used as a weapon to keep people trapped here. I put a post up about Reptilians tracking certain people with -RH blood. A lot of these individuals are targeted individuals. Not all -RH blood types carry the DNA strand ccr5delta32, but some do. This is a gene that makes people HIV and virus resistant. Since this matrix has been infected with a virus, if certain people are immune they can be seen as the ultimate threat. -RH blood types original ancestors are the Nephilim or Fallen Angels. This created hybrids. Some of these blood type refuse to play nice or get along with the humans. This genetic research is to create Bioweapons. Through gene editing and replacement therapy they can create the perfect viruses to be used on humanity while being immune to them.